

Joan Didion once remarked that we tell ourselves stories in order to live. Precisely what those stories might reveal about who we are
as a people is somewhat more fuzzy.

Thirty some years ago, Ronald Reagan committed to a strategy
in which supporting “Freedom Fighters” in Nicaragua
was seen as far more preferable than accepting
a communist government in the Western Hemisphere.

It is difficult today to understand how any leader
of a democratic society might suggest
we send automatic weapons to some
Central American country
to promote liberty.
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Freddie Perls hit the nail
Smack dab on the central issue
How we regard our past
What we do with our future
When we find presence.

They call it The Serenity Prayer
I find myself returning
To it’s simple elegance
Again and again.

“God grant me the strength
To change the things I can change
The serenity to accept
The things I cannot change.
And the wisdom
To know the difference.

Still working on that last one!
